Wednesday, July 18, 2007

when you think you can

the difference between impossible and accomplished is in what you think. when you think you can, you will...

yes, there may be big obstacles standing in your path. still, when you think you can, you'll find a way over them, under them, or through those obstacles.

if you're having trouble believing that you can accomplish some particular goal, break it into smaller, more believable steps. once you see yourself in action, your confidence and belief will surely grow.

decide that you can make a tiny difference. when you think you can, you'll find a way.

once you've made a tiny difference, you'll find yourself knowing that you can do a little bit more and make a small difference. then you can work your way up to making a medium difference, a large difference, and then an enormous positive difference in your world.

choose to think that you can do it. and you'll see how great you are at figuring out a way to make it happen.

-- ralph marston

impossible is nothing ...


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